Unique things to do in Central-West Region

Unique things to do in Central-West Region

Book unforgettable activities hosted by locals on Airbnb.

Top-rated activities

Visit São Paulo with a native professional tourist guide
São Paulo has culture, history, gastromy, excitement and leisure, it is a true living organism, pulsating and always in constant change. I' m sure the City has good surprises for you. Let's discover together what this city has to offer us, passing through its historic center, taking you to enjoy this day with a very productive and diversified itinerary, aiming to make you know as many places as possible in this part of the city, all in a safe and peaceful way, optimizing your time and knowing where you are walking, acquiring historical and current information, and in our way we will come across some of the most iconic works and several postcards of this city, we will also have direct contact with culture, tradition and history, as well as access to some of the most beautiful views of the city among other peculiarities that only this metropolis can offer , works by Oscar Niemeyer, Ramos de Azevedo, graffiti by prestigious artists and Municipal Market where we find the greatest variety of ingredients in this country and typical regional foods. In the middle of our way we will always come across good shops, restaurants and cafes and nice places to rest whenever you feel the need. I am also available to take pictures and route internet if needed. So come with me to have the most complete tour of the historic center of the city! This is also a recommended tour for those who only have one day in São Paulo. This is a very big city and I'm used to a lot of people passing by just for a stopover or connecting for a few hours at the airport, if this is your case, I'm an expert in this type of situation, get in touch and I'll help you know what it is most important in this city optimizing your time. In case of rain forecast we can reschedule or cancel and you will have all your money back, but as the city is very big, when it rains it is at just one moment of the day in some part of the city, not necessarily at the time and place of the our tour.
Your Private Photographer Beco do Batman
The experience at Batman's Alley with me is to get to know the art-filled streets, located in Vila Madalena in São Paulo. The meeting point is the Alma da Rua Art Gallery - or wherever is best for you - to start the tour where a cultural home of Brazilian artists can take place. (If the day you want is not available let me know!) I'm from São Paulo, I can tell you about the history of the neighborhood, give tips for tours of the capital and answer any questions you may have. You'll have complete freedom to choose the graffiti where you want me to take the photos... for sure, the color of the Alley will be extremely successful on your social media! Photos will be delivered digitally on the same day. -All taken during the session - (50-100 photos with quality) And, you know what's cooler? It's just that I can take the photos with my professional camera or even your phone so it can be posted instantly! Feel free to reach out and chat about the possibility of taking a photo and enjoying this unique experience with me! What's up, what's up? Other things to do: Fun first and bring good energy!
Connect to your BEING by colors
You will wear your clothes to get dirty. On the floor, a giant cardboard and many paints and brushes of all sizes. Let's talk, stretch, breathe and start. You can start where you prefer, first by experimenting with ink, painting your body, passing ink on the other, and I will be actively mediating and participating. The choice of colors belongs to you: the paint does not smell strong is non-toxic and comes out easy. Everything is done in a very respectful way, including interference in its creation by me or another participant. Guests have a shower at disposal, so bring a towel, slippers and change clothes. The whole process lasts two hours. At the end, we will chat to share experiences with tea, water and coffee. Children, as long as accompanied by those in charge, can participate and love the artistic process. After the process is completed, we will talk about the work and you can take it whole or a part if you prefer. Also available are paintings of other participants that can be taken if yours still not dry. The end result is always very surprising.. Other things to note Please be punctual.
Graffiti workshop at Batman Alley
A two part graffiti workshop, theory and practice. In the theoretical part we will approach the history of graffiti, presenting works of important national and international artists. In the practical part, the visitor will have a basic contact with the spray to produce his own design. The workshop begins with a conversation about Batman Alley and the history of graffiti, then we will have a drawing session within Local Studio. With the drawings ready, we will go for the spray paint experiment, to paint our drawings on a wall near the Local Studio. Other things to note Art material included
Bars and Art in Vila Madalena
I will promote a form of creative tourism, as I believe that providing contact with people and the local spirit creates a unique and memorable travel experience. We will meet on the St. Fradique Coutinho, 698 on Satélite Gás Station and walk through several points of Vila Madalena, famous neighborhood of SP known for its bohemian, gastronomic and cultural life. It is an energetic and vibrant neighborhood, with rich street art, many bars, restaurants, shops, galleries and interesting people, including many tourists. I suggest starting with a beer, caipirinha or açaí in one of the numerous bars in the neighborhood to break the ice and getting to know each other better. Then we will go to Beco do Batman, an area full of street art and one of the best tourist spots in SP. There, artists are encouraged to create their graffiti, which contributes to a great opportunity to take beautiful photos. We will drink beers and caipirinhas in some bars, meet interesting people who represent the local spirit well, visit art galleries and walk through this incredible cultural point. After that, I finish the tour in one of my favorite bars to refresh ourselves with craft beers or taste the famous drinks, eat snacks and soak up the bohemian atmosphere of the neighborhood.

Loved by locals

Photo Experience on Paulista Avenue
Prepare-se para vivenciar um dia extraordinário capturando momentos em um dos deslumbrantes parques de São Paulo, acompanhado por um talentoso fotógrafo. Durante o ensaio, exploraremos um roteiro que encanta todos os turistas, e posso garantir que nossas fotos serão verdadeiras obras de arte! Detalhes do Ensaio: - Este ensaio fotográfico é uma imersão em momentos espontâneos, seja pela manhã ou à tarde, com duração de até 1 horas. - Você receberá de 30 a 40 fotos editadas em alta resolução em até 3 dias após o ensaio, enviadas através de um link no G. Drive. Em caso de chuva, podemos remarcar sem qualquer inconveniente. - Sinta-se à vontade para compartilhar qualquer pedido especial que tenha em mente. Se tiver um local específico em mente para a sessão de fotos, estou totalmente aberto a sugestões e animado para ouvir suas ideias. :) Será um prazer recebê-lo e tenho certeza de que esta será uma experiência memorável. Se surgirem dúvidas, basta enviar uma mensagem aqui no Airbnb ou pelo Insta.: @wolfart._ Até lá! Rodrigo Rodrigues
Jewelry Making Class and Drinks, leave with your own piece
Our Jewelry Class Experience will teach you how to make your own jewel with our creator and designer Stephanie Perla. You'll make it from scratch and leave the class with your one of a kind piece. Come find your inner jeweler with lots of laughter, good talk and afterwards drinks.
Degustação Aula de Café Especial em São Paulo
Você vai viver uma experiência com cafés de alta qualidade, conhecer vários sabores naturais diferentes, vindo de agricultores de todo o Brasil com a oportunidade de adquirir os cafés ao final do nosso encontro e participar da mudança de vida dessas famílias. Vou apresentar cafés acima de 85 pontos em uma classificação internacional de qualidade e selecionados por um dos mais renomados torrefadores que conheço e gosto muito de fazer a minha experiência aqui na Wolff Café. Sou apaixonada por falar de cafés de qualidade que possuem o propósito de transformar a vida de quem produz e gerar para você um momento de muito valor através dos atributos das LINHAS W. Você vai provar cafés caramelizados e cítricos, entender o que são os defeitos de cafés comerciais, além de aprender técnicas de preparo que eu utilizo em várias competições, principalmente uma receita que me fez ganhar um campeonato. Se prepare para conhecer os cafés brasileiros como você nunca viu antes. O nosso local de encontro é a Wolff Café. A porta fica fechada, então, aperte o botão do interfone que eu irei te receber.
Cachaça route
WHAT WILL WE DO During the event, lasting approximately 1h30, the group, of a maximum of 10 people, will make a "sensory trip" to the universe of cachaça, in which they will learn a little about the history of the drink and its relationship with the history of Brazil and will be guided in a tasting of different types of cachaça: from silver (without aging) to gold (stored or aged in different types of wood). WHAT'S INCLUDED Participants will receive a welcome drink upon arrival. Then you will hear a quick presentation about cachaça and will start to taste different types of cachaça, being: 2 types of silver cachaça 3 types of gold cachaça 1 type of snack Water at will WHAT ELSE YOU SHOULD KNOW Our experience takes place in a special area of the restaurant, closed to the general public from Tuesday to Friday, from 12 to 19h. In addition to the tasting, everyone will receive the basics to identify quality cachaça and also tips on the best cachaça for preparing famous drinks such as capirinha. Other things to note If they prefer, guests can request as a meeting point the Santa Cecília Metro Station, from where they will be taken on foot, walking to the Experience site (around 15 minutes walk).
Sculpture Class
In a rustic, open and harmonious environment, you will get in touch with the materials and tools for your first sculpture experience. For approximately three hours you will learn the step by step necessary to transform a rough stone into a beautiful sculpture. Other things to note This will be an opportunity to have your first contact with sculpture techniques, creating or starting to create your first work.

All activities near Central-West Region

Oficina pintura muralismo- experiência Artística Criativa
A artista Gabriela Braga compartilhará sua experiência ao longo dos seus 15 anos de carreira artística, ela abre sua casa ateliê pela segunda vez para uma imersão em seu universo tropicalista moderno. Será realizada uma oficina de pintura criativa muralismo. Vamos aprender a técnica para pintura de um mural em parede. Atenção não é uma oficina de grafite, a técnica de muralismo consiste na pintura da arte diretamente na parede com tintas e pincéis. Uma tarde para exercitar seu Eu criativo, pintura e criação coletiva e técnicas de pintura muralismo em parede. Após a chegada a artista abre uma roda de processo de criação da arte coletivamente , um bate papo entre os participantes para montar a arte e os desenhos. Vamos pintar um muro? Depois a artista desenvolve com todos os participantes uma pintura de um mural com os participantes explorando cores técnicas e pigmentos. Você vai pintar coletivamente um muro durante esse processo. Todo material está incluso. Teremos uma pausa para um lanche coletivo.
Pôr-do-sol na Chapada dos Veadeiros
Marcaremos um ponto de encontro na cidade e seguiremos em seu veículo, cerca de 40 minutos, até o início da trilha. O grau de dificuldade da trilha será adaptado às suas necessidades, que variam do nível fácil a difícil, considerando a volta durante à noite. Após o pôr-do-sol, faremos uma parada no meio do caminho para descanso e contemplação das estrelas ou do nascer da Lua, de acordo com o calendário lunar.
Visit São Paulo with a native professional tourist guide
São Paulo has culture, history, gastromy, excitement and leisure, it is a true living organism, pulsating and always in constant change. I' m sure the City has good surprises for you. Let's discover together what this city has to offer us, passing through its historic center, taking you to enjoy this day with a very productive and diversified itinerary, aiming to make you know as many places as possible in this part of the city, all in a safe and peaceful way, optimizing your time and knowing where you are walking, acquiring historical and current information, and in our way we will come across some of the most iconic works and several postcards of this city, we will also have direct contact with culture, tradition and history, as well as access to some of the most beautiful views of the city among other peculiarities that only this metropolis can offer , works by Oscar Niemeyer, Ramos de Azevedo, graffiti by prestigious artists and Municipal Market where we find the greatest variety of ingredients in this country and typical regional foods. In the middle of our way we will always come across good shops, restaurants and cafes and nice places to rest whenever you feel the need. I am also available to take pictures and route internet if needed. So come with me to have the most complete tour of the historic center of the city! This is also a recommended tour for those who only have one day in São Paulo. This is a very big city and I'm used to a lot of people passing by just for a stopover or connecting for a few hours at the airport, if this is your case, I'm an expert in this type of situation, get in touch and I'll help you know what it is most important in this city optimizing your time. In case of rain forecast we can reschedule or cancel and you will have all your money back, but as the city is very big, when it rains it is at just one moment of the day in some part of the city, not necessarily at the time and place of the our tour.
Photography Tour on Paulista Ave
On the tour we will conduct a photo shoot on Paulista Avenue. It's valid for individual rehearsals, but if you have more than one person, message us here to arrange. We will do a tour of the main sights of Av. Paulista, starting with IMS, Cyclist's Square, White House and Masp! In addition to taking some great photos, I'll give you plenty of tips on where to eat (all kinds of food) best bars, restaurants, some stories from Av. Paulista and São Paulo. The tour is a 15-minute walk, stopping at some points to photograph and lasts up to 1 hour. For unavailable dates or times, message us for availability. Other notes: * THE REHEARSAL IS FOR PERSONAL USE AND MAY NOT USE THE SAME FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES, DISCLOSURE OF BRANDS, ETC* Cancellation and change of date and time: You can cancel and/or change the date (if available) within 24 hours of the scheduled date and time. If you cancel within 24 hours, you'll be refunded. We are unable to refund after 24 hours. We are improving English to serve people who are not from Brazil. We already serve tourists from all over the world so this will not be a problem in the photo shoot! The 30 photos will be delivered via link within 48 hours! Any questions, you can send us a message, ah, and be well vindx!
Fall in love with São Paulo nightlife / Pub crawl
Hey my friends, have you heard the word from PUB CRAWL today? Pub crawl is a walking circuit of bars and clubs. We are SE JOGA EM SP. Our tours explore the best of nightlife in three of the most bohemian spots in São Paulo (Pinheiros on Thursdays, Rua Augusta on Fridays and Vila Madalena on Saturdays) The route of the tour is carried out on foot, as the places are close to each other. We go to 3 to 5 bars and clubs in the region. At the first bar, we warm up with an open bar of beer or caipirinha and games/challenges to get to know each other, break the ice and have a basic embarrassment together hahaha. We continued the tour through the other bars. We started in a bar with a lower intensity, to get to know each other, talk and as we progressed, it gets more intense. We visit bars with live music, DJ, karaoke, etc... In all bars we are entitled to VIP entrances and complimentary drinks in some of them. We ended in a club of the region. The tour guides stay until around 00:00h but you can stay at the last stop as long as you want. So, let's meet new places, people from all over the world, have fun with drink games and challenges, all with VIP entry and welcome drink already included?!
Photo Experience on Paulista Avenue
Prepare-se para vivenciar um dia extraordinário capturando momentos em um dos deslumbrantes parques de São Paulo, acompanhado por um talentoso fotógrafo. Durante o ensaio, exploraremos um roteiro que encanta todos os turistas, e posso garantir que nossas fotos serão verdadeiras obras de arte! Detalhes do Ensaio: - Este ensaio fotográfico é uma imersão em momentos espontâneos, seja pela manhã ou à tarde, com duração de até 1 horas. - Você receberá de 30 a 40 fotos editadas em alta resolução em até 3 dias após o ensaio, enviadas através de um link no G. Drive. Em caso de chuva, podemos remarcar sem qualquer inconveniente. - Sinta-se à vontade para compartilhar qualquer pedido especial que tenha em mente. Se tiver um local específico em mente para a sessão de fotos, estou totalmente aberto a sugestões e animado para ouvir suas ideias. :) Será um prazer recebê-lo e tenho certeza de que esta será uma experiência memorável. Se surgirem dúvidas, basta enviar uma mensagem aqui no Airbnb ou pelo Insta.: @wolfart._ Até lá! Rodrigo Rodrigues
Your Private Photographer Beco do Batman
The experience at Batman's Alley with me is to get to know the art-filled streets, located in Vila Madalena in São Paulo. The meeting point is the Alma da Rua Art Gallery - or wherever is best for you - to start the tour where a cultural home of Brazilian artists can take place. (If the day you want is not available let me know!) I'm from São Paulo, I can tell you about the history of the neighborhood, give tips for tours of the capital and answer any questions you may have. You'll have complete freedom to choose the graffiti where you want me to take the photos... for sure, the color of the Alley will be extremely successful on your social media! Photos will be delivered digitally on the same day. -All taken during the session - (50-100 photos with quality) And, you know what's cooler? It's just that I can take the photos with my professional camera or even your phone so it can be posted instantly! Feel free to reach out and chat about the possibility of taking a photo and enjoying this unique experience with me! What's up, what's up? Other things to do: Fun first and bring good energy!
Sao Paulo City Photoshoot Tour & Photoshoot
In this experience, I will guide the best places in the center of SP to offer a striking photo shoot, accompanied by many references and tips for those who are new in the area. In addition to photographing, we will share stories and experiences. The specific place is at your discretion, but we have as main points the Paulista Avenue, Rua Augusta, Ibirapuera Park, historical center of SP and more.
Vivência Fotográfica Nude-se
O Projeto fotográfico NUde.se, teve início em 2015 e tem como objetivo retratar a nudez de forma natural, onde os corpos são camuflados ou interagem com a natureza. Muito além de um ensaio fotográfico o NUde.se é uma experiência de autoconhecimento, onde trabalhamos a confiança, entrega e aceitação. Uma oportunidade de apenas ser e sentir, despindo-se de vergonhas, julgamentos, preconceitos, auto-imagem idealizada, traumas e medos, partindo da certeza de que todos somos bel@s e perfeit@s da forma que somos! Não existe padrão estético para participar do NUde.se, todas as formas e fases podem (e devem) ser retratadas e celebradas. Nenhuma super produção é necessária (nada de roupas, maquiagens, cabelo feito ou acessórios), quanto mais natural, melhor. A sessão é toda dirigida por mim, que busco fazer a conexão d@ modelo com o local, por meio de interação e sensações, utilizando a própria natureza e seus elementos, a qualquer época do ano (todas as estações com singularidades pra lá de belas e especiais). Outras observações Entrega de 80 fotos digitais editadas em alta resolução (enviadas pelo wetransfer ou google drive) no prazo de até 15 dias após a experiência
Jewelry Making Class and Drinks, leave with your own piece
Our Jewelry Class Experience will teach you how to make your own jewel with our creator and designer Stephanie Perla. You'll make it from scratch and leave the class with your one of a kind piece. Come find your inner jeweler with lots of laughter, good talk and afterwards drinks.
Passeio pelos principais pontos turisticos de Brasilia
Passeio aos principais pontos turísticos de Brasília: - Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora. - Congresso Nacional e Palácio do Planalto. - Palácio do Itamaraty. - Palácio da Justiça. - Supremo Tribunal Federal. - Espaço Lúcio Costa. - Memorial JK. - Pontão do Lago Sul. ( Almoço ou Jantar) - Quadra modelo 308 sul. Abrimos possibilidade para alteração ou inclusão de outros pontos turísticos da cidade desde que comunicado e acertado previamente. Tenho disponibilidade de passeio para grupos privativos de até 15 pessoas (consultar valor).
Degustação Aula de Café Especial em São Paulo
Você vai viver uma experiência com cafés de alta qualidade, conhecer vários sabores naturais diferentes, vindo de agricultores de todo o Brasil com a oportunidade de adquirir os cafés ao final do nosso encontro e participar da mudança de vida dessas famílias. Vou apresentar cafés acima de 85 pontos em uma classificação internacional de qualidade e selecionados por um dos mais renomados torrefadores que conheço e gosto muito de fazer a minha experiência aqui na Wolff Café. Sou apaixonada por falar de cafés de qualidade que possuem o propósito de transformar a vida de quem produz e gerar para você um momento de muito valor através dos atributos das LINHAS W. Você vai provar cafés caramelizados e cítricos, entender o que são os defeitos de cafés comerciais, além de aprender técnicas de preparo que eu utilizo em várias competições, principalmente uma receita que me fez ganhar um campeonato. Se prepare para conhecer os cafés brasileiros como você nunca viu antes. O nosso local de encontro é a Wolff Café. A porta fica fechada, então, aperte o botão do interfone que eu irei te receber.
Melhor Ensaio fotográfico - São Paulo
Oi, tudo bem? Que tal fazermos um ensaio pela cidade de São Paulo? Durante o ensaio vamos conversando para você relaxar e nos conhecermos melhor, tornando a experiência será mais bacana! Caso nunca tenha feito um ensaio fotográfico antes pode ficar tranquilo(a), irei te ajudar nas poses! O envio das fotos editadas é realizado em até 48h após o ensaio. Veja mais fotos minhas no: @alessandrokawan
Vivencie um Jogo na Arena Corinthians
Nos encontraremos no ponto inicial, e mergulharemos na experiência de um dia de jogo do Corinthians. Próximos Jogos: 22/05 Corinthians x América (Brasil Serie A) 28/05 Corinthians x Racing Arg (Copa Sul Americana) 02/06 Corinthians x São Paulo (Brasil Serie A) Pegaremos o metro até o estadio que fica localizado na saída do metro Corinthians- Itaquera. Ao sairmos da estação, pararemos para comer o tradicional lanche de estádio. Esse momento serve para ambientar e aproximar-se da torcida, porque estaremos muito próximo do local em que a torcida reúne-se fora do estadio, para cantar , tocar instrumentos , balançar bandeiras e preparar-se para o jogo. Após esse aquecimento e já alimentados, caminharemos para a entrada da Arena Corinthians. Já dentro do estadio, darei alguma instruções e observações, para que vocês possam sentir-se a vontade, interagir com a torcida e observar toda a riqueza dessa celebração. Após os 90 minutos de jogo, nos organizaremos , bateremos mais algumas fotos e começamos nosso caminho de volta, até o ponto de encontro inicial. Outras observações. importas - Não venham nenhuma peça de roupa da cor Verde - Evitem carregar bolsas e mochilas. - Levem o básico. - No estadio não é permitido entrar com câmera profissional Como é nossa experiencia: Assista o video!
Japan House with a Neuroesthetics Specialist
Embark with me on this intimate exploration of JHSP, the Japan House of São Paulo, the most important institution of Japanese culture in the city and Latin America. I'm ready to be your guide in this original JHSP visitation form. My proposal includes a custom script, meticulously created for you, in which I will unravel the secret of the works and products exposed according to the concepts of Neuroaesthetics*. Before our meeting, I will ask for some information about you, this will allow me to elaborate the ideal roadmap. We will meet at the Aizomê Café of JHSP, where I will give you your personalized digital guide, and then start exploring one of the city's main cultural facilities. *Neuroesthetics is the area of Neurocence that explores neural processes related to aesthetic experiences and the way the brain perceives and responds to art, beauty and other visual stimuli.